2024 Cosplay Contest Categories
Featuring over $1000 in Prizes!
Judging will be done in two categories. Judging Categories will be ranked in the following:
-Overall Presentation
-Character Portrayal
-Stage Performance (overall actions as character)
-Overall impression
-Peoples Choice
-Best Mash Up
-Best Couple/Pair
-BEST KID COSPLAY (10 and Under)
The rules on this page are subject to change, if you are interested in participating, please check the cosplay section of the website often to ensure you are aware of any updated/added/changed rules. Please be aware that signing up to be in the cosplay contest is an agreement that you will follow and adhere to all rules presented by Raptor Con and Raptor Con affiliated websites, this also includes any decisions or discussions made by staff before or during the event.
Please note that all events at Raptor Con have the potential to be photographed, filmed or recorded for future promotional uses. Signing up for, and attending any cosplay event is done with the understanding that recording could occur at any time and permission is tacitly given for the participates likeness to be used without compensation.
General Rules for the Competition
You must be a registered Raptor Con attendee in order to compete. Each member of your group must have an event badge or pass.
Contestants under the age of 18 need a parent or legal guardian present at the cosplay competition to sign a waiver in order for that contestant compete in the cosplay contest.
All costumes must cover "swimsuit areas" – no nudity.
Raptor Con adheres to the "PG‐13 rule" when it comes to language and hand gestures on stage. Violation of this rule may cause you to be disqualified from the competition.
Contestants are not allowed to throw anything off the stage, nor use projectiles or use anything on stage that will leave a mess. This includes (but is not limited to) liquids, glitter and confetti. If you have a question about something you want to do, feel free to send an email with to our team at TheRaptorCon@yahoo.com with a title of “Cosplay Contest Question” as the subject.
No pyrotechnics, fire, explosive devices, live animals or similar special effects can be used during the competition; this includes smoke/smog machines and flash powder. Anyone who violates this rule may be disqualified from the competition and be asked to leave the convention area depending on the severity of the incursion. All prop weapons must conform to the Raptor Con prop policies, including being checked.
Raptor Con reserves the right to turn away any contest entry it deems inappropriate or not in compliance with the rules.
Pre‐Meet: There will be a pre‐meet before the cosplay competition in the Cosplay Staging Room time TBA on Saturday. This pre‐meet is where we will do a check-in before briefly going over where you will enter and exit the stage as well as explain etiquette for Walk-On. During check-in, you will be lined up and we will leave after the pre‐meet is over to start the cosplay contest. It is mandatory to attend the pre‐meet to take part in the contest.
Only participants (and handlers if necessary) will be allowed in the pre-meet room. Entries should leave all personal belongings behind in their car/hotel room. Entries should show up to the pre‐meet in costume, ready for the contest.